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Welcome to DSHS Theatre!

Mission & Vision

At the heart of our department’s vision lies Maya Angelou's profound wisdom: "I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better." Our objective is to foster an educational environment that encourages growth, learning, and continuous improvement for all members of our community.

The DSHS Theatre Department aspires to empower students, guardians, and staff with the knowledge and tools to evolve, acknowledging that growth is a natural part of the human experience. By embracing this philosophy, we commit to nurturing an inclusive, compassionate, and supportive space where individuals are inspired to reach their full potential and make positive contributions to society. Through self-awareness, empathy, and a commitment to curiosity, we aim to cultivate an atmosphere where learning from past experiences propels us forward to become better as individuals and as a collective to create a brighter future.

Meet the Directors

Coy Branscum (Musical Theatre, BFA - Millikin University '15) has never been satisfied chasing just one passion, instead choosing to embrace a career as a multi-hyphenate. Mr. Branscum has spent his career in a multitude of roles, previously serving as a producer, artistic director, director, music director, choreographer, educator, actor, model, and more. His passion for the arts has proven strong as Mr. Branscum finds joy filling any role, but he feels most at home as a director/choreographer and actor. When he isn’t working, Mr. Branscum enjoys spending time outdoors with his dog, Billie.

Coy Branscum, Theatre Director |
Daniel Baxter, Technical Theatre

Daniel Baxter (Theatre Design and Technology, BFA - University of Evansville '11) returns for another great year at Dripping Springs. Mr. Baxter trained as a theatrical designer before working as a lighting technician, designer, and project manager for live events and televised sports nationwide. Believing in the tremendous impact of performance art on the young mind, he left the traveling life to train and inspire the next generation of technicians and artists.

Become A Booster!
  • Support the faculty of Dripping Springs Independent School District (“DSISD”) Campus Theatre and Technical Theatre Departments and their programs.

  • Promote and encourage a cooperative relationship among the administration, faculty, parents, students, and the local community in the Theatre programs on DSISD campuses.

  • Provide volunteers and financial support to the DSISD Theatre programs.

  • Provide volunteers and financial support to the student Thespian Troupe 6261 at Dripping Springs High School, and any future Theatre student groups formed on any other DSISD campus.

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